The Event
Warhammer 40,000 - Horde Slayer is a 2000 point 5 game Tournament using Missions from the Pariah Nexus: Grand Tournament Mission Pack.
Players will be paired up using the Best Coast Pairings App. Players must submit their lists via email to no later than end of day on Sunday 23rd March. Any current errata's and Codex's released before or on 23rd March will be used. Players who fail to submit a list on time may receive a penalty to their event score.
Timings and Missions:
09:00 -09:30 Registration
09:30 - 12:15 Round 1 Purge the Foe / Smoke and Mirrors / Tipping Point / Layout 4
12:15 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 15:45 Round 2 The Ritual / Stalwarts / Hammer and Anvil / Layout 1
16:00 - 18:45 Round 3 Linchpin / Raise Banners / Dawn of War / Layout 5
09:30 - 10:00 Check in
10:00 - 12:45 Round 4 Scorched Earth / Stalwarts / Search and Destroy / Layout 2
12:45 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 16:15 Round 5 Terraform / Swift Action / Sweeping Engagements / Layout 3
16:30 - 17:00 Awards
Event Rules
Players can bring unpainted miniatures to the event but will not score Battle Ready points if they do so. Proxy miniatures must be checked by the TO prior to the event so please get in touch before submitting your list to confirm allowance.
The ground floor windows and doorways of all ruins will be considered blocked for line of sight purposes. Our terrain layouts will be similar to the official layouts with some changes due to the size of our terrain pieces.
Voucher Prizes and Trophies will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Placings, Best Army and Favoured Enemy.