A 1 day 3 game event to welcome in 4th edition.
As 4th will be very new at this point we will use the newest FAQ's & points. Even if they come out the week of the event.
Because of this lists are due in by 6pm on Friday 6th September
System: Warhammer Age of Sigmar Pitched Battles
Location: Leodis Games, 10 Springfield Mills, Bagley Lane, Leeds, LS28 5LY
Battle Size: 2000 points
Board Size: 60” x 44”
Missions: Pitched Battle Battleplans from the Generals Handbook
No. of Games: Three
Army Selection: See the Contest of Generals chart in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar core rule book. In addition, Understrength Units may not be included in your roster.
Tools of War: Attendees are expected to bring their army, dice, a tape measure, all relevant rules publications, and at least 4 physical copies of their army roster (one for registration and one for each opponent). If you are using any electronic devices to carry your official rules references, please ensure they are charged and available for reference at all times.